The Porsche shield logo was based on the coat of arms of the Free People’s State of Württemberg of former Weimar Germany, which had Stuttgart as its capital. Porsche is a German car brand founded in Stuttgart in 1931 by Ferdinand Porsche, is now part of Volkswagen AG.

High-performing engines and luxurious features aren’t the only qualities all Porsche models have in common; each vehicle also sports the famous Porsche logo and name. The Porsche symbol is classic and, for the most part, has remained the same for the last 60 years. 

One of the most common questions asked about the Porsche crest is, “What is the animal on the Porsche logo?” As mentioned above, the Porsche logo pays homage to Stuttgart, where Porsche’s headquarters are located. Stuttgart is located in southwest Germany and was actually built atop a horse-breeding farm. Stuttgart used horses in its city seal, inspiring Porsche to make a black horse the centerpiece of its logo which represents power and the seal of Stuttgart. Furthermore, the antlers and black and red stripes on the logo were influenced by Württemberg’s state seal, as the state colors are red and black. The Porsche logo design also honored Swabia, the Porsche family’s second place of residence.