In the beginning I looked around and could not find quite the car I dreamed of. So I decided to build it myself.

Ferry Porsche

His dream of the perfect sports car has inspired many – throughout our history. Porsche strives to get closer to achieving it every day. With every concept, every development and every model. Along the way, they follow a plan, an ideal that unites us all. It is referred to simply as the Porsche Principle. The underlying principle is to always get the most out of everything. From day one, they have strived to translate performance into speed – and success – in the most intelligent way possible. It’s no longer all about horsepower, but more ideas per horsepower. This principle originates on the race track and is embodied in every single one of their cars. They like to call it:

“Intelligent Performance”.

Porsche is a unique company with strong ideals. Their values and philosophies permeate through everything they do to ensure that they always remain true to our principles. They constantly meet their very own high demands and have a definite idea about who they are and how they approach things. Uncompromising. As a result, despite what others may be doing, Porsche actively seeks to stretch boundaries and is committed to continual improvement.

Based on the principle of achieving maximum output from minimum input, this race-inspired philosophy is integral to each and every one of their cars since day one. Since the 356 Nr. 1 was built.

Where this confidence comes from? The answer is simple. The never forget who we are. And where they come from.